MCU Providing the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Meditation Retreat of Academic Year 2024
The Most Ven.Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmawatcharatherachãn, Rector of MCU., arrives at the hall, lights the incense sticks and candles, lead us pay homage to the Triple Gem. Brahmawatcharatherachãn, Rector of MCU., formally delivers the special speech in the Opening ceremony on: Vipassanã Meditation Retreat according to the University’s Policy. along with PhraThepvajarasarabundit, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Vice-Rector Planing and Development to delivered a speech and presented a report on the project organization.
Then Assoc.Prof.Dr.Phra Dhamvajirodom,Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of MCU, gives Dhamma talk. The topic “The Propagating the Sangha’s Work Aspects of Vipassana Meditation practice.”
In this Auspicious the Administration of Student Affairs Division pay respects to the Most Ven.Rector as follows Assoc.Prof.Dr. PhraPanyavajarabundit The Vice-Rector Academic Division Dr.Phramaha Rachan Cittapalo, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of MCU Dr.Phrakhrusuttarattanabundit, Acting-Director of Students Affairs Division Dr.PhraKhruChinowatthamrong, Vice-Director of Students Affairs and Mr.Prasert Khamnual, Vice-Director of Students Affairs Division